Thursday, February 11, 2010

hello, Augusta Nationals

well, today has been an exciting day! Back in November I interviewed for temporary employment with the Augusta National Golf Club for the Masters! I interviewed with the Executive Chef, Bruce Sacino, and waited two excruciating months to hear back. On Feb 1 I received my hire letter and today drove to Augusta to fill out paper employment forms, get fitted for my uniform and take a picture for my badge. My hire letter confirmed that I would be in the Hospitality Department, but in what part?? Culinary!! So, I peaked on the woman's form in the dressing room and I have been assigned the role of Pantry Cook, or Garde Manger. That means I will be in charge of the cold side of the kitchen - salads, cheeses, appetizers, pates. I hope I get to work under Chef Sacino a good bit. Obviously I am over playing cool...I am too excited.

A video of Chef Sacino talking about well-known Chef John Paduzzi (one of my scholarships was a memorial to Chef Paduzzi!)

Me sneaking a picture while getting fitted for my chefs coat and pants


  1. so proud of you!! love love across time and space.

    803/530-7501 whenever you're downsouth to Charleston
