My Grandma is amazing and every few months she comes to stay with my parents. I spent some time with her a few nights ago, listening to Lawrence Welk, showing her Real Simple magazine, talking about what her life has been like, and laughing and eating dinner together. I have her to blame for my sweet tooth - after every meal she wants something sweet. Since I was little I remember finding hidden Kit Kat wrappers in drawers and bookshelves and opened candy bars from a midnight run to the kitchen. Now that we are both older I have taken it upon myself to not deny her sweet tooth. She always talks about watching her weight and not eating so many sweets, but I always tell her, NO Grandma, that is for ME to do. You get to eat whatever you please from now until the rest of your life (and she understands what I mean. She may not have that much longer to be watching her weight - so indulge). Another trick I have up my sleeve is spiking her afternoon coffee with a little hazelnut liqeuer. I know, I know. She has never taken a sip of alcohol in her life (to her knowledge) but she always tells me,
this is the BEST cup of coffee I have ever had. How did you know how I liked it?So the other night the house was void of sweets. Mom had a few melted/refrigerated Rolex chocolates that I brought her from the Masters but I didn't think that would do the trick for Granny. So I scoured the pantry and all I could find were bananas, so I whipped out the saute pan, some flour, some vanilla and some butter, and made caramelized bananas served with whipped cream on the side (pre-made whipped cream. But I did beat my own whipped cream by hand at work the other night). Grandma LOVED it as a change-up in her daily desserts. If you are lacking sweets around the house, just grab a banana from your fruit basket (or other fruit - sliced apple works well, I would like to try a peach).
Caramelized Bananas
Cut banana in half horizontally - then cut 2-3 vertical pieces out of each half
Dredge banana pieces in flour
Heat butter on high, add a splash of vanilla
Brown bananas on each side until caramelized and crunchy (the sugars in the banana are sufficient for caramelizing)
Serve pieces of caramelized banana with (preferably fresh) whipped cream and a chocolate drizzle.
bon appetit
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