Monday, April 19, 2010

kitchen trick: hanging recipes

well, we all survived Indie Grits 2010! it was an amazing week to be a part of and I am excited about the years to come. two things that really struck me during the week: the community of learning, teaching, and enjoyment amongst the filmmakers and the way Columbia's local spots supported the festival and The Nickelodeon. All of the festival sponsors are some of the most crucial and dynamic businesses in Columbia right now. The Nick supports local and Local supports The Nick. It is a system that works, and works well, but unfortunately is rarely embraced. As a newly converted lover of film but by no means a connoisseur (or filmmaker, or film scholar, or any of those sorts of things), I can grasp onto the principles I see lived out and appreciate those aspects on top of the amazing films that came through. Go to the festival's website to see the award winners!

So, since I missed Andrew's birthday while working at the Masters, tomorrow is my day to make his birthday dinner and celebrate his 22nd. I can't tell you what's on the menu YET but as I was snapping photos tonight I realized that I have not shared my favorite kitchen trick! Hanging recipes with clothespins on my hanging fruit basket. yes, that is absolutely no counter space you do not see.

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