Monday, May 3, 2010

City Roots & Fresh Strawberries

City Roots is a fairly new farm just INSIDE the city of Columbia. I initially heard of them during my short-lived involvement in the environmental club at USC and recently have been enjoying their sunflower sprouts and carrots from the farmers market. Their vision is to "produce clean, healthy, sustainably grown products while enhancing and educating our community about the benefits of locally grown food, composting, vermicomposting and other environmentally friendly farming practices. "

I adore the fact that there is a sustainable & organic farm down the street from me.
Saturday morning we had a breakfast date with our dear friends the Mewbornes followed by strawberry picking at City Roots. Their crop was a little sparse from lots of strawberry pickin' traffic, but I still got a $6 quart overflowing with big, juicy, bright red strawberries - SO much better tasting than the ones from the grocery, AND they don't use pesticides or chemicals on their plants. I went through my quart so fast so this morning I went back for another quart (already missing some) and re-filled. Strawberry season lasts 2 more weeks so I am planning on making it back at least twice more to get some to freeze before I gobble them all up. FYI: you can volunteer at City Roots and in exchange they generally give you a stash of whatever is in season. That is on my to-do list of regular activities for the summer so let me know if you are interested!

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